Sunday, December 14, 2008


Papaya fruit originally came from Mexico,Northen South America and Central America. Now a days it is cultivated in countries having Topical Climate. Fruit is high source of Vitamin A,B1,B2,B3.We can get crop of papaya throughout year.fruits of papaya are initially green in colour and turns greenish yellow when ripen.
Green or Riped Papaya fruit has great medicinal value in both stages. Green papaya can be used as vegetable, in salads,in curries. It plays role of softening (Tenderizing)agent if added while cooking meat as it contains Papain Enzyme.Raw papaya is used for manufaturing of jellies. Ointment made from fermented pulp of papaya is used in treatments of minor burns,stings,rashes and cuts.
Ripe papaya can treat ringworms.The seeds of papaya are black in colour and are spicy in taste. They are used as substitute for black pepper in some parts of world.
In some part of world(Asia) fruit is used as contraceptive. It is advised that pregnent women should not eat papaya as it may leads to abortion.

Chat Dish Cut the fruit in to long pieces and sprinkle little red chillie powder and salt. It will tastes great in your evening chat party.

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