Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Olive Oil -Source Of Reducing Belly Fat

Gaining weight rapidly is a major problem mainly discussed these days through out the world .My wife is planning to cook without using oils. Can you imagine a food without oil. I think it will be biggest punishment in the world of eaters.
Here is good news for health cautious people.Olive oil in small amount on each day may help to keep our body figure on middle.After testing diets of high carb and other made from olive oil by experts.It is known that diet based on using olive oil which contains healthy fats helps to keep bellies flatter.
Fat around our abdomen on higher side incresaes chances of high blood sugar and other health problems. Recent observations done by experts says the olive oil contains higher proportion of monounsaturated fats. These monounsaturated fats reduce risk of coronary heart diseases.It also lowers the chance of saturation of fats around abdomen to prevent expansion of tummy.

Lastly I would like to say that just use of extra olive oil will not help you to trim your body but with that you must give time for exercise.

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