Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Morning -Say No To Constipation

Constipation starts when one do not take enough fibrous food and fluids. Basically now days majority prefers junk food which donot have any fibre.Such morning problems can be avoided by eating enough rich fibrous food like fruits and fluids. Prefer wholemeal fibre bread instead of white bread.
There are some simple home remedies in such cases.
a)When you get up in morning, clean teeth and drink a glass of cold water.After that squeeze a lemon in glass full of lukewarm water and drink it. Then do for toilet.
b)Take two spoonful of fleawort(ISABGOL)with cold water or milk before going to bed.
c)After lunch suck few pieces of myrobalan(Indian Gall Nut) for some time and then chew and eat it. If any one has acidity problem then myrobalan must be avoided.
e)Boil fig and two seedless currants in cup of milk and drink the mixture before going to bed.

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